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Risks of MDMA & Breastfeeding

breastfeeding after using mdma

MDMA, also known as Molly, or ecstasy is a synthetic drug that acts like a stimulant and produces energizing results. This addictive drug is known as 3,4-Methylenedioxy-methamphetamine. Hallucinogens can make people addicted because they cause a rush and an euphoric feeling. Although pregnant women shouldn’t experiment with hallucinogens, there are many instances when they can be combined with breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding Drugs

The factors that influence the transfer of drugs to breast milk include maternal plasma concentrations, molecular weight, and other factors. Lower molecular weight drugs are more likely than others to become human milk. There is also a greater chance of transfer with a drug that has protein binding and is more fat-soluble. Transfer is a process that involves the central nervous system.

Breastfeeding and MDMA are not uncommon. Molly and other amphetamine drugs are more common in breast milk than in bloodstream. MDMA is classified as an L5 drug, which means that it is dangerous and could cause harm to the baby’s development.

How long does Molly stay in your breastmilk?

The half-life of Molly is approximately seven hours. However, it can be extended to more than thirty hours depending upon the PH level in your urine. To avoid potential health problems, pregnant women should wait five-half lives before breastfeeding. However, it is advised to avoid taking Molly at all while breastfeeding.

Although there isn’t a lot of research available on the topic, some people have reported that they observed a rise in heart defects and twisted feet in children whose mother used the substance during pregnancy.

Side effects of MDMA and Breastfeeding

Both breastfeeding and ecstasy can be dangerous together. The side effects of the drug on the mother and baby can be just as severe. This synthetic psychoactive drug can cause cognitive decline in women who use it. The baby could be affected by MDMA in breastmilk, which can lead to poor development and behind children who were not exposed to drugs during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Side effects of the mother’s pregnancy could include:

Mothers may find it difficult to care for their child due to the severe side effects. If the mother is suffering from substance abuse, a baby could be left behind. Mothers who are suffering from addiction and who need to start recovery should consider Ecstasy treatment.

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