Common Questions & Concerns About Treatment
Quality Advice from Trusted Professionals
If you or a loved one are seeking help for addiction, you probably have a lot of questions about how treatment works, what to expect, and how to make the best decision possible. While our admissions staff is available 24/7 to answer your specific questions, we have also compiled a list of resources that address the most common concerns people have when considering rehab. Below you will find advice from clinicians, finance directors, and other subject matter experts that can help you make an informed decision about the care you need.Â
Traveling for Treatment vs. Finding a Local Facility
Distance from home is often an important factor for those seeking addiction treatment. In the following article, some experienced addiction psychologists weigh in on the pros and cons of going to rehab in your area.
I Can't Go to Inpatient, Won't Outpatient Work?
Undoubtedly, it is important to find the right treatment center when seeking help for addiction. It is just as important though to begin the treatment process at the right level of care. Below, rehab therapists will explain the ideal continuum of care and what clients should achieve before moving to the next step.
Now Isn't a Good Time, Can't I Just Go Later?
The importance of willingness cannot be overstated when it comes to recovery from a drug or alcohol addiction. Those who have struggled for an extended period know that the "window of willingness" can close just as suddenly and unexpectedly as it opens. Read on to see what the experts think about the "right time" to get help.
My Family Thinks They Know Better, Should I Listen?
Almost every addict or alcoholic finds themself at odds with their family over their drinking or drugging at some point. Sometimes though, families may continue to disagree about how to proceed with getting help for that struggling loved one. Click the link below to read more about positive vs. negative family involvement, as explained by a family therapist.
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