Christian Rehab in Florida
Christian Rehab in Florida at All In Solutions
When men and women begin to experience the consequences that often accompany addiction to drugs and alcohol, seeking recovery often begins with entering a treatment program. For some individuals, choosing a Christian rehab or Faith-Based recovery program can be the first step toward getting life back on track.
All In Solutions’ Christian rehab in Florida offers a unique combination of spiritually grounded guidance and clinically-focused therapy. At our drug and alcohol treatment centers in Florida, clients develop a meaningful connection with a higher power that forms the basis of their sobriety. The search for a Christian rehab near me ends here.
Under the guidance of Pastor Daniel Cornide, the Florida faith-based drug and alcohol recovery program embraces a comprehensive treatment approach based on the bio/psycho/social/spiritual model of addiction treatment. Research has proven the effectiveness of faith based treatment is partly due to the important role of spirituality in recovery. For this reason, we offer a Christian approach to rehab that introduces the transformative power of Biblical truth in a welcoming modern setting.
Pastor Daniel Cornide is a licensed therapist and counselor with over a decade of experience in ministry and addiction treatment. Cornide is a founding member and preacher at The Recovery Church Delray, which holds services tailored to Christians in recovery. Pastor Dan is a lifelong Florida native who grew up in the Miami area. He struggled with substance use disorder himself and now gives back to the community by helping others to find recovery and a relationship with God both inside and outside our addiction treatment center.
You can read more about Pastor Dan’s personal recovery here.
Click Here to Learn More About Faith Based Recovery at All In Solutions
What is Faith-Based Treatment?
People of faith often experience intense secrecy and shame as a result of their addiction. Christians often suffer from drug use disorder because they fear judgment from their peers and are afraid that their disease will ruin their witness to Christ. Fortunately, faith-based treatment can provide help for these people. The method is often accompanied by daily spiritual practices, such as prayer, which can have a profound effect on a person’s emotional state.
A faith-based drug rehab program may offer many of the same programs as traditional rehabs, but with a spiritual element. Its mission is to help a recovering addict rebuild his or her relationship with God through the power of His Word. The program focuses on a biblical foundation for recovery and reclaiming control of their life. This helps people overcome feelings of shame and guilt and find peace and stability in their lives.
Faith-based rehabs help patients find a renewed sense of self and a renewed sense of confidence. Many faith-based rehabs include religious leaders and tight-knit communities. They promote spirituality and healing while addressing the physical and psychological needs of the addict.
Faith-based rehabs are popular across the country and have several benefits for patients. For instance, patients can attend individual sessions with religious leaders and medical experts. Faith-based rehabs also offer peer support from like-minded individuals.
Does Faith Based Rehab Work?
People often wonder about the success rate for faith-based rehabs compared to secular rehabs. While the question may seem simple, the answer actually turns out to be quite complex. This is for a number of reasons including the reliability of measurements, and other study-related factors, but also because it is difficult to decide how to define a successful outcome.
With that said, research does suggest that clients who experience a “spiritual awakening” during treatment are significantly more likely to remain abstinent for at least 1 year after leaving treatment.
Additionally, it is well documented that community and belonging are important to long-term recovery. In other words, having a network of support in place after leaving treatment significantly improves a person’s chance of maintaining their sobriety. A benefit of Christian rehab programs is that clients are introduced to the fellowship of the church, which provides an additional source of support.
Christian Inpatient Program in Florida
Inpatient Christian rehabilitation has the highest rates of success for Christians who are seeking to break the cycle of addiction. At All In Solutions’ Florida facility, patients receive all the benefits of research-based treatments and therapies while taking in the teachings and philosophies of the Bible.
In the Christian Inpatient treatment program, guilt and shame that come with addiction are replaced with an increased sense of confidence as the relationship with God grows. Through the study of His word, clients gain an understanding of God’s forgiveness. This allows them to accept forgiveness from others and to forgive themselves.
Faith-Based Outpatient Program in Florida
Most treatment centers will recommend that an individual who is using alcohol or drugs daily complete a detox and residential treatment before graduating to outpatient. However, some struggling with addiction can not access inpatient treatment for one reason or another. For these clients, an outpatient substance abuse program may be a better fit. At the outpatient level of care, most clients will commute from their homes to the rehabilitation center several times per week.
Similar to those inpatient Christian treatment programs for addiction, Bible studies and Christian principles are incorporated into the addiction treatment program. However, the Christian outpatient rehab program may generally be structured around outside obligations, like the work schedule. It is typically a duration of four hours a day, three to four times a week.
Aftercare Program
Relapse is a sad but extremely real symptom of addiction and this is the same for Christians who participate in rehabilitation. But the Christian drug and alcohol rehab aftercare program is an ongoing source of help, which helps to strengthen the client’s new relationship with God. Our treatment for our patients is not over after they have graduated from our inpatient and outpatient Christian rehabilitation programs. We offer ongoing care for alumni and full peer support services.
Additional Christian Recovery Resources in Florida
Getting Into Christian Rehab in Florida
Recovery from drug and alcohol addiction is a life-long process. While this may seem intimidating, the Christian rehab center at All In Solutions is here to help you get started.
All In Solutions knows that success in recovery is achievable since we witness it every day. We assist our patients in developing lifelong abilities and connections with themselves, God, and the loved ones who are essential to maintaining the long-term health and sobriety they deserve.
Our Christian rehabilitation program is designed to help patients to build a solid foundation for their faith. Support for follow-up is offered whenever it is needed. And most importantly, by taking part in Christian rehabilitation, you’ll be able to regain your faith.
For more details on the top faith-based addiction treatment in Florida contact All In Solutions or call us at 855-762-3796.
Faith Based Addiction Recovery in Florida
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