You are going to deal with a lot of withdrawal symptoms when you are trying to detox. One of the most difficult things to deal with for me was the amount of nausea that I felt during my recovery. I was a longtime alcoholic when I finally entered a detox facility, and I was very unhealthy. I found some of the actionable tips to deal with nausea during detox process in this rehab.

I knew that detox was going to be uncomfortable, but I was already uncomfortable all the time. When you are a chronic alcoholic, you’re always living with discomfort.

I would get shakes and nausea every single day that I woke up. The only thing that made it better was to drink. When you are at a point where the only thing that makes you feel better is alcohol, it’s a very bad sign.

The Effects of Nausea During Recovery

I knew I had a huge issue. I was tired of constantly worrying about feeling like death. Drug and alcohol detox nausea can be uncomfortable, but the more uncomfortable feeling is being in the thick of your addiction and wondering how much longer you have left.

The effects of nausea during detox vary from person to person. What it all comes down to is what you will put up with to get better. When I was drinking, one of the things that I felt the most was a lack of appetite, followed by intense nausea. I figured if I was going to deal with discomfort, I might as well get something out of it.

Going through the discomfort of detox is worth it because there can be a positive outcome. I was prepared to go through detox because I knew it could lead to something good.

You do a lot of damage to your stomach and stomach lining when you are an alcoholic. Over time, the tissue wears away and is much more easily exposed. The nausea effects and duration typically last several days. When you are drinking, you aren’t getting enough nutrients.

If you replace alcohol with water or any other fluids with electrolytes, you will begin to heal the damage done to your stomach and liver. Nausea from detox of the liver is very common as well. Your stomach and liver are connected; one can’t operate without the other.

man covering his mouth trying not to vomit

Causes of Nausea from Detox

Nausea from detox is a result of a few factors. For one, certain parts of your central nervous system that had been suppressed by alcohol or drugs are overactive in their absence. In addition, the stomach is no longer used to taking in the right nutrients. Once you get through the initial discomfort of detox, your stomach will begin to heal itself and be able to take in nourishment.

Other withdrawal symptoms can include anxiety, poor concentration, restlessness, mood swings, and increased sensitivity to sound and light. No matter what you decide to do, it’s going to be a struggle. Mental toughness is key when it comes to achieving sobriety.

As I mentioned earlier, if you’re already going to deal with all the discomforts that come along with being addicted, why not get something good out of it?

Medically Supervised Detox: Do it The Right Way

A medically supervised detox is always the best choice, particularly when it comes to people dealing with chronic addictions. Alcohol is one of the few substances that can actually kill you if you don’t detox correctly.

Treatment centers have safe detox methods that will make you as comfortable as possible and limit health risks. Some people decide to do at-home detox, which can have many risks.

The risks of at-home detox don’t only include relapse, but also being alone is a factor. Recovery can be a very lonely process, and you need support.

There are some recovery centers that offer a rapid detox. Rapid detox involves speeding up the detox process using methods including medication and sedation. There are many dangers involved with rapidly detoxing. The dangers of rapidly detoxing can be life-threatening.

Patience is key when it comes to getting sober. I don’t know many people whose sobriety happened overnight. It’s a process that you are going to have to submit to and respect. It doesn’t take too long to become addicted, but it can take a very long time to get clean.

clinician in white coat in medical detox facility

Medications that Can Help With Detox Nausea

In an inpatient detox setting, there are many highly effective medications that clinicians can prescribe to minimize nausea and vomiting as a result of withdrawal. If you are insistent on trying to detox at home (not recommended), some medications are available at most pharmacies that may help. Some are available over-the-counter, while others may require a prescription. These medications include:

  • Antihistamines like Benadryl
  • Dramamine
  • Reglan
  • Zofran

Learning About Yourself in Detox

There is an art to detox. You learn a lot about yourself and what you are willing to put up with. I found that embracing the process was very helpful. I knew it was going to be hard. I knew I was going to be super uncomfortable. Luckily, this helped me in the long run.

Some people are unaware of how tough it can be. The people at All In Solutions didn’t sugarcoat the process. They were upfront with me about how difficult it would be. Even though I knew it would be hard, I knew it had to be done to save my life. Once I went through detox, everything after that seemed easy.

I should stress that no part of the recovery process is by any means easy. It’s all challenging, but once you get through detox, you will be prepared to deal with everything else.

Now that I am sober, I don’t ever want to go through detox again. That doesn’t mean it’s off the table. Recovery is something that requires a lot of work. Slipping up is easier than you think. I know that my addiction is still there, and it’s right below the surface.

It’s up to me to keep the addiction at bay. Knowing what a struggle detox can be is one of the things that helps keep me clean. Whenever I feel weak or have cravings for alcohol, I think about how uncomfortable going through detox was. How awful nausea can get. I make sure to remind myself of how far I’ve come, and how far I can go.

2 women discussing the recovery process

Detox and the Process of Recovery

Addiction is very much a personal struggle. There is a lot of help out there, but ultimately it’s on you to maintain your sobriety. Addiction support and counseling can do you a lot of good, but you have to want it for yourself. I try not to compare my story to anybody else’s.

Yes, all addicts have similarities, but it’s all about finding what works for you. When I was new to recovery, I often compared myself to the other addicts that I met. I learned very quickly that it wasn’t going to help me in the long run. My story is unique to me.

The triggers that I have are not necessarily the triggers that others feel. Our good days and bad days are not foreseeable. You can’t get up and decide how your day is going to be. It’s all about going with the flow and controlling what you can control. We all have the power to find what works for us.

I know that on my bad days my mindset can shift into a dark area. I can go to a meeting and get some advice, but ultimately it’s up to me how I react to it. I remind myself constantly that I am going to feel triggered. There are going to be dark thoughts that creep in.

In these moments, I think about how to shape my attitude accordingly. I just learn to accept it. I try not to avoid these dark feelings. I embrace these feelings knowing that they don’t last forever.

Recovery is all about dodging bullets. The addiction support and counseling that I frequently engage in gives me the flexibility to avoid these bullets. I also know that getting hit by one of these bullets doesn’t mean I’m a lost cause. I’ve known a lot of people who have slipped up and gotten right back on the wagon.

It lets me know that slipping up doesn’t mean failure. It’s common in recovery. It’s hard for me to think about my recovery without thinking of the people who helped me along the way.

I recognize that I did most of the work myself, but I also acknowledge the support system that continues to be a guiding light. When I look back on all the people who have supported me, it reminds me how much goodwill still exists in this world.

Treatment Centers and the Best Chances for Recovery

The gratitude I feel pushes me to help others. You can’t have anything in life unless you give it away. By sharing the compassion and grace I’ve gotten from others, I am furthering someone else’s progress. It helps me to know that I can cultivate this goodwill within myself.

When I go to meetings, I make it a point to be a beacon for others. I don’t push myself on anyone, but if I recognize that someone is struggling, I take it upon myself to try and build them up.

We all need a shoulder to lean on from time to time. I’ve needed it, and there will be times when I know I will need it in the future. When I open myself up to others and let them know they can confide in me, it makes this entire process worthwhile.

I’ve worked very hard on bettering myself but helping to better someone else is an added bonus. I’ve known a lot of people in recovery who unfortunately reverted back to their old ways. The pull of addiction was too much. This is the reality of recovery. Some people hang on, some don’t.

So many of the people I met at the beginning of my recovery are still right there by my side. It gives me hope that the ones who couldn’t get through it give it another chance. You are never out of chances.