Kratom Detox
Kratom detox is a serious issue as many people do not understand that kratom itself is actually an opioid. The kratom tree is not closely related to the opium poppy, but some of the active alkaloids in kratom are very similar to traditional opioid analgesics like morphine and heroin They even bind to the same receptors in the brain. The reason kratom detox is so misunderstood is that it is mimicking opiates in the human brain, yet many of the alkaloids are not yet fully understood.
Some kratom advocates are insincere when they refuse to refer to kratom as an opioid. However, the dictionary definition of opioid is, “A substance used to treat moderate to severe pain. Opioids are like opiates, such as morphine and codeine, but are not made from opium. Opioids bind to opioid receptors in the central nervous system. Opioids used to be called narcotics. An opioid is a type of alkaloid.” Many patients who seek treatment are completely unaware of the incredibly addictive properties of kratom because they have no clue that the alkaloids are acting the same as heroin, or morphine, in the brain.
The Roots of Kratom Addiction
Kratom has a history of widespread use in the Asian Pacific, specifically Thailand and Bali. The leaves of the kratom tree are typically chewed by blue-collar working-class people during their long shifts farming or doing other strenuous work. The roots of kratom addiction are deep and widespread, with Thailand even outlawing the kratom tree back in 1943. They recently decriminalized kratom in 2019 in order to ease pressure on the Thai prison system.
However, in America, the drug remains on the DEA’s “drugs of concern” list.The roots of kratom addiction in America only go back 10 or 15 years, with the popularity of the plant exploding in the 2010’s. Although the roots of kratom addiction in America are not as deep in our culture, it remains a pervasive problem as an estimated 10-15 million Americans use the herb.
Kratom and Opiate Withdrawal
Kratom and opiate withdrawal are intertwined on many levels. Many kratom users have claimed that it has helped them get off more dangerous opiates such as heroin and morphine. The problem with this, is that kratom is acting as an opioid in the brain, so the users are simply switching addictions. Kratom and opiate withdrawal are both going to be unpleasant detoxes, and for many, kratom eventually does not serve as a sufficient replacement therapy. Many go back to traditional opiates.
In a recent study, a man was brought to the hospital after experiencing a “tonic-clonic seizure lasting 5 minutes. The patient was prescribed hydromorphone, a very strong opiate analgesic, for chronic pain due to thoracic outlet syndrome. He had stopped taking his prescribed hydromorphone and was self-administering kratom in order to relief his pain and his withdrawal symptoms. The study shows that although kratom and opiate withdrawals are similar, kratom can have nasty side effects that opiates do not present, such as seizures.
Kratom vs Suboxone
The comparisons of kratom vs suboxone present many similarities as well as drastic differences. Kratom vs suboxone can be explained simply, as both are less harmful opioids than heroin, or other traditional opiates. However, suboxone, unlike kratom, is much more understood and can be administered via professionals in order to eventually titrate down and get off. Kratom, vs suboxone, cannot be administered by a professional, thus quality control is not present in the least bit when it is purchased either online or at a smoke shop.
The dangers of suboxone are well studied and understood, while kratom studies are few and far between, meaning anyone using it in any replacement therapy manner is risking their health and acting as a Guinea pig. One study has outlined the potential hepatoxicity, stating, “Chronic use of kratom recreationally has been associated with rare instances of acute liver injury. The onset of injury is usually within 1 to 8 weeks of starting regular use of kratom powder or tablets, with symptoms of fatigue, nausea, pruritus and dark urine followed by jaundice.” The fact of the matter is that kratom, vs suboxone, is much less studied and understood, making it a much more dangerous option at this point in time.
Signs of Kratom Dependency
There are many signs of kratom dependency, and many mirror the signs of opiate dependency in nature and severity. Kratom detox and opiate detox are so similar that those who are dependent are constantly in the need of more of the substance.
Signs of kratom dependency are typically harder to hide due to the fact that much more of the substance must be consumed, unless the extracted form is being used. Rather than milligrams of morphine or other traditional opiates, ounces of kratom are typically needed throughout the day in order for a person suffering from kratom use disorder to avoid kratom detox.
Effective Kratom Dosage
Kratom dosage is an important part of how kratom is not understood and is the subject of debate for experts and users alike. The usual kratom dosage is anywhere from 2 to 10 grams with the lower doses providing stimulant effects and larger doses providing opiate like analgesia. The kratom dosage range is so large that it is hard to get any hard scientific data about just what these alkaloids are doing in the brain.
Another important factor of kratom dosage is the understanding of how tolerance to kratom can affect the dose. The severity of kratom detox is largely dependent on the kratom dosage, as the less someone is doing the weaker the symptoms of kratom detox seem to be.
Green Leaf Kratom vs Red Leaf Kratom vs White Leaf Kratom
There are at least three different strains of kratom that are marketed independently. However, most of the scientific data points to the fact that among these three supposedly different strains, almost all of the tested kratom has very similar makeups and alkaloid contents.
In the kratom market, white veins, also known as white leaves, are supposed to create more stimulant effects. Green leaf, or green vein kratom, is typically marketed as being for mood enhancement and having anti-depressant properties. Red vein, or red leaf kratom, is marketed as being the most potent analgesics and most like opiates. It appears as though this is mostly marketing hype, and the reality is that all kratom is created equal.
The only factor that can determine potency is freshness as the alkaloids begin to break down the moment the leaf is picked from the tree. Kratom detox will be the same regardless of which color leaf a person is consuming.
Kratom Extracts and Withdrawal
The worst offender for producing withdrawal symptoms that pushes people to need kratom detox is kratom extract, or kratom concentrate. Being able to consume much more of the alkaloids, in a much smaller package, is a dangerous idea that leaves many people incredibly addicted and needing kratom detox.
Due to the fact that more studying needs to be done regarding kratom and its active alkaloids, taking a much higher dose of these potent compounds can lead to a plethora of health issues, the most prevalent being addiction. Kidney and liver toxicity have also been reported with high doses of kratom, which is exactly what kratom extract provides to people. Whether consuming leaf kratom or kratom extract, if consuming enough kratom, one will have to go through kratom detox to feel normal again.
Kratom Detox Options
The kratom detox options are similar to the options for detoxing from traditional opiates. The most common route is to go on a longer acting synthetic opioid, such as suboxone or methadone, and then titrating the dose down until a person is drug free. This strategy is the most utilized in the kratom detox options because it minimizes withdrawal symptoms, is relatively safe and well understood, and has a relatively high success rate.
Because kratom detox is not as intense as traditional opiates, another of the kratom detox options is to simply stop the kratom and white knuckle the kratom detox. This, however, has a much lower success rate, as many people cannot suffer through the discomfort and end up relapsing on the kratom or a different opiate in order to feel better. People looking for kratom detox options should call All In Solutions to discuss their options.
Stages of Kratom Detox
Although the stages of kratom detox are less intense than traditional opiates, it can last much longer, and present a different set of health issues, issues that traditional opiates do not. There are a few different stages of kratom detox, starting with acute symptoms like nausea, insomnia, irritability, and muscle discomfort. After the initial, acute stages of kratom detox, one can expect a new set of symptoms as post-acute withdrawal symptoms can begin to take hold.
The later stages of kratom detox can include anxiety, depression, fatigue, mental fog, and of course some insomnia. The final stages of kratom detox can last for months and be incredibly detrimental to one’s ability to live a normal productive life. Because of this, it becomes extremely important that an individual stay connected to a program like All In Solutions, as they can guide someone through all these stages of kratom detox.
Medically Supervised Detox for Kratom
All In Solutions, and other similar facilities, can provide a medically supervised detox for kratom. Due to the immense discomfort of opioid withdrawals, including kratom detox, going to a detox center is often the difference between relapse and a life in recovery. Medically supervised detox for kratom would provide an atmosphere of comfort for the client, and if any medical issues arise during the kratom detox, doctors, nurses, and other professional staff will be there in order to keep a person safe. All In Solutions would be able to provide a medically supervised detox, followed by progressively lower levels of care in order to give clients the best chance at sustained recovery.
Inpatient Treatment for Kratom
Kratom addiction is just as serious as traditional opiates, so inpatient treatment for kratom is an excellent idea for anyone wanting a life drug free. After the kratom detox, going to inpatient and putting some time and distance between the client and their old life, will provide a person with the best chance at lifelong recovery.
Many people try to downplay the reality that kratom is an extremely addictive substance, especially because it is currently unregulated. There is a motivation for people to downplay the negative side effects in order to keep kratom unregulated and off the DEA’s scheduled narcotics list. This sentiment is false, and a dangerous fallacy that gives people the idea that kratom is harmless and not addictive. Many people have sought inpatient treatment for kratom detox, and this is directly indicative of the intensity of kratom detox and addiction.
Kratom Relapse Prevention
Kratom relapse prevention is similar to relapse prevention of other drugs, especially traditional opiates. After the kratom detox, inpatient is a highly recommended route to take. After inpatient treatment, dropping to a lower level of care, such as outpatient treatment, greatly increases a person’s chances of maintaining lifelong recovery.
Going to 12-step meetings is another recommended route for people suffering from substance use disorders to pursue. All In Solutions offers a state-of-the-art kratom detox, inpatient, and outpatient treatment that will increase the chances of recovery exponentially.
Kratom Detox Aftercare
Kratom detox aftercare is an important factor in order for someone to give themselves the best chance at sustained recovery. The kratom detox can be an especially uncomfortable stage if a person does not seek help and get some sort of medically supervised kratom detox.
However, kratom detox aftercare is a just as important time, as cravings and post-acute withdrawal symptoms may emerge and coax a person into relapse. This is where inpatient treatment becomes especially important, and All In Solutions is the premier facility to get treatment for kratom detox and kratom detox after care.